Privacy Policy

At Bshore Bank we respect your privacy

Collecting and using personal information is necessary to our business as a financial services provider. Protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy is important to us. As a member of the Bshore Bank group of companies, we take this responsibility very seriously.

We might change this Policy from time to time, but the most current version is always posted here on our website. The last time we updated the Policy was August, 2021.

To earn your trust, we follow ten privacy principles. The principles are based on the federal government's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. In addition to the Privacy Policy, we have our Online Privacy Statement and our Statement of Voiceprint Password Privacy. Combined, these statements define our commitment to managing your personal information carefully.

1. Accountability

We are responsible for the personal information under our control. We have specific people who make sure that we stay compliant with the privacy principles. Our Privacy Officer oversees our privacy program, designed to build and maintain trust in our information-handling practices. Protecting the personal information you share with us is vital to our business.

2. Identifying purposes

We explain why we collect the personal information we ask for. When we authorize other parties to collect information on our behalf, they do the same.

3. Consent

We need your permission to collect, use, and disclose personal information, with some exceptions. The exceptions are determined by law and can include times where legal, medical, or security reasons make it impossible or impractical to seek consent. You can give consent in writing, as well as verbally, electronically, or through authorized representatives. In certain circumstances, it’s also implied.

4. Limiting collection

We only collect your personal information in fair and legal ways. The information we collect is limited to identified purposes.

5. Limiting use, disclosure, and retention

We only use or disclose your personal information for the reasons it’s collected. We use it for other purposes you consent to, or when it is required or allowed by law. We keep the information only for as long as we need to, or as required or allowed by law.

6. Accuracy

Any personal information that we collect, use, or disclose should be as correct, complete, and up-to-date as possible for the reasons it is used. If your contact information changes, please contact us right away. We make all reasonable efforts to make sure that the personal information we collect and keep in your file is as correct, complete, and up-to-date as it needs to be for the identified purposes. We will rely on you to give us accurate information and to let us know about any changes, such as changes to your contact information.

7. Safeguards

To protect your personal information from intrusion, release, or misuse, we use security safeguards that match the sensitivity level of the information. Bshore Bank commits to protecting your personal information from unauthorized access and use. We use physical, organizational, and technological safeguards that are appropriate for sensitivity of the information.

Personal information is protected:

  • Physically, by building security measures and physical barriers
  • Organizationally, by our policies, procedures, and access levels
  • Technologically, by using passwords, encryption, firewalls, anti-virus, and anonymizing software

8. Openness

We make information about our privacy policies and how we manage your personal information available to you.

9. Individual access

If you send us a request in writing, we tell you what personal information about you we have, and how we use and disclose it. We give you access to the information, with certain exceptions allowed by law. You may verify the accuracy and completeness of your information and request changes, if appropriate.

10. Inquiries and concerns

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies and practices.

Send a written request to the Privacy Officer at the address listed below if you:

  • Have any questions or concerns
  • Want more information about who has access to your information
  • Want to know more about our privacy policies and procedures
  • Want to review your personal information in our files
If you have a privacy-related complaint, please contact us using the information provided below. We respond to privacy-related complaints in accordance with our complaint resolution process. The Privacy Office will work with our complaint handling teams to help ensure your privacy concerns are appropriately addressed.